

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
科: 天蛾科 Sphingidae
屬: 白腰天蛾屬 Deilephila
紅天蛾 D. elpenor
Deilephila elpenor
  • Sphinx elpenor Linnaeus, 1758
  • Chaerocampa lewisii Butler, 1875
  • Elpenor vitis Oken, 1815
  • Chaerocampa elpenor alboradiata Lambillion, 1913
  • Chaerocampa elpenor cinerescens Newnham, 1900
  • Deilephila elpenor argentea Burrau, 1950
  • Deilephila elpenor philippsi Niepelt, 1921
  • Deilephila elpenor tristis Lempke & Stolk, 1986
  • Deilephila elpenor vautrini Austaut, 1907
  • Eumorpha elpenor clara Tutt, 1904
  • Eumorpha elpenor obsoleta Tutt, 1904
  • Eumorpha elpenor pallida Tutt, 1904
  • Eumorpha elpenor unicolor Tutt, 1904
  • Eumorpha elpenor virgata Tutt, 1904
  • Pergesa elpenor daubi Niepelt, 1908
  • Pergesa elpenor distincta Meyer, 1969
  • Pergesa elpenor hades Rebel, 1910
  • Pergesa elpenor lugens Niepelt, 1926
  • Pergesa elpenor scheiderbaueri Gschwandner, 1924
  • Pergesa elpenor szechuana Chu & Wang, 1980

紅天蛾Deilephila elpenor[2]鱗翅目天蛾科下屬的一種昆蟲[3]它主要分佈中歐,並且已被引入[4]加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省。中國境內也有分佈[5][6][7][8]






  1. ^ CATE Creating a Taxonomic eScience – Sphingidae. Cate-sphingidae.org. [2011-10-26]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-15). 
  2. ^ Ford, R. L. E. The Observer's Book of Larger British Moths. Frederick Warne & Co. 1961: 41–42. 
  3. ^ Elephant hawk-moth - Norfolk Wildlife Trust. [2022-08-30]. (原始內容存檔於2022-08-30). 
  4. ^ Bestmann, H. J.; Erler, J.; Garbe, W.; Kern, F.; Martischonok, V.; Schäfer, D.; Vostrowsky, O.; Wasserthal, L. T. Pheromone components of the female elephant hawk-moth, Deilephila elpenor, and the silver-striped hawk-moth, Hippotion celerio. Experientia. 1992, 48 (6): 610–613 [2017-10-22]. S2CID 41861615. doi:10.1007/BF01920249. 
  5. ^ 王瑞燦,孫企農主編,園林花卉病蟲害防治手冊,上海科學技術出版社,1999.12,第386頁
  6. ^ 王焱主編,上海林業病蟲,上海科學技術出版社,2007.11,第259頁
  7. ^ Waring, Paul; Townsend, Martin. Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland: Third Edition. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2017-02-09. ISBN 9781472930323 (英語). 
  8. ^ Elephant Hawk-moth and caterpillar | Wildlife Insight. Wildlife Insight. [2017-10-22]. (原始內容存檔於2022-08-30) (英國英語). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Warrant, Eric. Vision in the dimmest habitats on Earth. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 2004-10-01, 190 (10): 765–789. ISSN 0340-7594. PMID 15375626. S2CID 23491501. doi:10.1007/s00359-004-0546-z (英語). 
  10. ^ Hallam, Bridget; Floreano, Dario; Hallam, John; Hayes, Gillian; Meyer, Jean-Arcady. From Animals to Animats 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. MIT Press. 2002. ISBN 9780262582179 (英語). 
  11. ^ White, Richard H.; Stevenson, Robert D.; Bennett, Ruth R.; Cutler, Dianne E.; Haber, William A. Wavelength Discrimination and the Role of Ultraviolet Vision in the Feeding Behavior of Hawkmoths. Biotropica. 1994, 26 (4): 427–435. JSTOR 2389237. doi:10.2307/2389237. 
  12. ^ Kim, Jae Geun. Elephant Hawk-Moth (Deilephila elpenor L.) as a Herbivore of the Bog-bean (Menyanthes trifoliata L.), an Endangered Plant Species. Journal of Wetlands Research. 2015, 17 (2): 113–117. doi:10.17663/JWR.2015.17.2.113可免費查閱. 
  13. ^ Andreas, Michal. Study on bat diet in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Silva Tarouca Research Institute. 
  14. ^ 曾令祥編著,藥用植物病蟲害,貴州科技出版社,2017.02,第20頁
  15. ^ 吳時英,徐穎主編,城市森林病蟲害圖鑑 第2版,上海科學技術出版社,2019.07,第89頁
  16. ^ 曹恒生,唐燕平編著,花木病蟲害防治,安徽科學技術出版社,2002.01,第100頁