
用户:Psycho CSL/缰核

神经解剖学术语英语Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy


尽管缰核十分微小,但每个缰核都分为两个不同的区域:内侧缰核 (MHb) 和外侧缰核 (LHb),两者都具有不同的神经元群、传入纤维和传出纤维。[2][3] 内侧缰核可以再分为五个亚核,而外侧缰核则可分为四个亚核。[4]研究显示内侧缰核及外侧缰核形态的复杂性,内侧缰核不同的传入纤维分别投射到不同的亚核。[5]内外侧缰核之间不同的基因表现使两个区域有不同的功能。[6]

缰核是脊椎动物演化中的保守结构,哺乳动物的缰核是高度对称的,而鱼类两栖类爬虫类的缰核在大小、分子组成及连接方面都极不对称。[1]缰核是边缘系统通路中一个主要组成部分,[1]缰核和脚间核英语interpeduncular nucleus之间的后屈束英语fasciculus retroflexus路径是发育中的大脑中首先形成的主要神经束之一。[1]

缰核是连接前脑区域和中脑区域的中央结构,为情绪和感觉处理整合的枢纽或交点,[2]它整合来自边缘系统、感官和基底核的讯息来做出适当且有效的反应措施。[5]缰核参与单胺神经传导物质的调节,特别是多巴胺和血清素,[2][3]这两种神经传导物质都与焦虑症和回避行为密切相关。[2]缰核的功能也涉及动机、情绪、学习以及痛觉[2]内侧缰核在忧郁、压力、记忆和尼古丁戒断中发挥重要作用,也在古柯碱、安非他命和酒精成瘾中发挥重要作用。[6]内侧缰核表现出高水平的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体 (nAChR),其参与多种形式的成瘾。[6]


每个缰核都分为内侧及外侧两个部分,研究显示内侧缰核可以再分为五个亚核,而外侧缰核则可分为四个亚核。[4] 左右缰核由缰连合英语habenular commissure相连接,松果体附着于脑部此区域。[7]


外侧缰核主要的传入区域是外侧视前区英语preoptic area、腹侧苍白球英语pallidum、外侧下丘脑 The primary input regions to the lateral habenula (LHb) are the lateral preoptic area (bringing input from the hippocampus and lateral septum), the ventral pallidum (bringing input from the nucleus accumbens and mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus), the lateral hypothalamus, the medial habenula, and the internal segment of the globus pallidus (bringing input from other basal ganglia structures).[8]

Neurons in the lateral habenula are 'reward-negative' as they are activated by stimuli associated with unpleasant events, the absence of the reward or the presence of punishment especially when this is unpredictable.[9] Reward information to the lateral habenula comes from the internal part of the globus pallidus.[10]

The outputs of the lateral habenula target dopaminergic regions (substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral tegmental area), serotonergic regions (median raphe and dorsal raphe nuclei), and a cholinergic region (the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus).[8] This output inhibits dopamine neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral tegmental area, with activation in the lateral habenula linking to deactivation in them, and vice versa, deactivation in the lateral habenula with their activation.[11] The lateral habenula functions to oppose the action of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus in the acquisition of avoidance responses but not the processing of avoidance later on when it is a memory, motivation or its execution.[12] Research suggests that lateral habenula may play a crucial role in decision making.[13]

There has also shown to be an association with aberrant LHb activity and depression.[14]


The medial habenula (MHb) receives connections from posterior septum pellucidum and diagonal band of Broca; the lateral habenula receives afferents from the lateral hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, internal globus pallidus, ventral pallidum, and diagonal band of Broca.[8] As a whole, this complexly interconnected region is part of the dorsal diencephalic conduction system (DDCS), responsible for relaying information from the limbic system to the midbrain, hindbrain, and medial forebrain.[15][16]

Input to the medial habenula comes from a variety of regions and carries a number of different chemicals. Input regions include septal nuclei (the nucleus fimbrialis septi and the nucleus triangularis septi), dopaminergic inputs from the interfascicular nucleus of the ventral tegmental area, noradrenergic inputs from the locus ceruleus, and GABAergic inputs from the diagonal band of Broca. The medial habenula sends outputs of glutamate, substance P and acetylcholine to the periaqueductal gray via the interpeduncular nucleus as well as to the pineal gland.[17][18]


Nikolaus Goronowitsch[7]在1883年发现了缰核的不对称性,许多物种皆展现了缰核神经元左右不对称的分化。 Asymmetry in the habenula was first noted in 1883 by Nikolaus Goronowitsch.[7] Various species exhibit left-right asymmetric differentiation of habenular neurons. In many fishes and amphibians, the habenula on one side is significantly larger and better organized into distinct nuclei in the dorsal diencephalon than its smaller pair. The sidedness of such differentiation (whether the left or the right is more developed) varies with the species. In birds and mammals, however, both habenulae are more symmetrical (although not entirely) and consist of a medial and a lateral nucleus on each side which is in fish and amphibians equivalent to dorsal habenula and the ventral habenula, respectively.[19][8][20]

Olfactory coding[编辑]

In some fish (lampreys and teleosts), mitral cell (principal olfactory neurons) axons project exclusively to the right hemisphere of the habenula in an asymmetric manner. It is reported that the dorsal habenula (DHb) are functionally asymmetric with predominantly odor responses in the right hemisphere. It was also shown that DHb neurons are spontaneously active even in the absence of olfactory stimulation. These spontaneously-active DHb neurons are organized into functional clusters which were proposed to govern olfactory responses. (Jetti, SK. et al 2014, Current Biology)


These nuclei are hypothesized to be involved in regulation of monoamines, such as dopamine and serotonin.[21][22]

The habenular nuclei are involved in pain processing, reproductive behavior, nutrition, sleep-wake cycles, stress responses, and learning. Recent demonstrations using fMRI[23] and single unit electrophysiology[11] have closely linked the function of the lateral habenula with reward processing, in particular with regard to encoding negative feedback or negative rewards. Matsumoto and Hikosaka suggested in 2007 that this reward and reward-negative information in the brain might "be elaborated through the interplay among the lateral habenula, the basal ganglia, and monoaminergic (dopaminergic and serotonergic) systems" and that the lateral habenula may play a pivotal role in this "integrative function".[11] Then, Bromberg-Martin et al. (2011) highlighted that neurons in the lateral habenula signal positive and negative information-prediction errors in addition to positive and negative reward-prediction errors.[24]


Both the medial and lateral habenula show reduced volume in those with depression. Neuron cell numbers were also reduced on the right side.[25] Such changes are not seen in those with schizophrenia.[25] Deep brain stimulation of the major afferent bundle (i.e., stria medullaris thalami) of the lateral habenula has been used for treatment of depression where it is severe, protracted and therapy-resistant.[26][27]

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-dependent burst firing in the lateral habenula has been associated with depression in animal studies,[28] and it has been shown that the general anesthetic ketamine blocks this firing by acting as a receptor antagonist.[29] Ketamine has been the subject of numerous studies after having shown fast-acting antidepressant effects in humans (in a 0.5 mg/bw kg dose).[30]

Motivation and addiction[编辑]

Recent exploration of the habenular nuclei has begun to associate the structure with an organism's current mood, feeling of motivation, and reward recognition.[31] Previously, the LHb has been identified as an "anti-reward" signal, but recent research suggests that the LHb helps identify preference, helping the brain to discriminate between potential actions and subsequent motivation decisions.[32] In a study using a Pavlovian conditioning model, results showed an increase in the habenula response.[33] This increase coincided with conditioned stimuli associated with more aversive punishments (i.e. electric shock).[33] Therefore, researchers speculate that inhibition or damage to the LHb resulting in a failure to process such information may lead to random motivation behavior.[32][33]LHb is especially important in understanding the reward and motivation relationship as it relates to addictive behaviors.[31] The LHb inhibits dopaminergic neurons, decreasing the release of dopamine.[34] It was determined by several animal studies that receiving a reward coincided with elevated dopamine levels, but once the learned association was learned by the animal, dopamine levels remain elevated, only decreasing when the reward is removed.[20][22][31][34] Therefore, dopamine levels only increase with unpredicted rewards and with a "positive prediction error".[20] Moreover, it was determined that removal of an anticipated award activated LHb, inhibited dopamine levels.[20] This finding helps explain why addictive drugs are associated with elevated dopamine levels.[20]

Nicotine and nAChRs[编辑]

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one in five preventable deaths in the United States is caused by tobacco use.[35] Nicotine is the addictive drug found in most tobacco products and is easily absorbed by the bloodstream of the body.[35] Despite common misconceptions regarding the relaxing effects of tobacco and nicotine use, behavioral testing in animals has demonstrated nicotine to have an anxiogenic effect.[36] Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) have been identified as the primary site for nicotine activity and regulate consequent cellular polarization.[37] nAChRs are made up a number of α and β subunits and are found in both the LHb and MHb, where research suggests they may play a key role in addiction and withdrawal behaviors.[37][38]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Antolin-Fontes, B; Ables, JL; Görlich, A; Ibañez-Tallon, I. The habenulo-interpeduncular pathway in nicotine aversion and withdrawal.. Neuropharmacology. September 2015, 96 (Pt B): 213–22. PMC 4452453可免费查阅. PMID 25476971. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.11.019. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Antunes, GF; Campos, ACP; Martins, DO; Gouveia, FV; Rangel Junior, MJ; Pagano, RL; Martinez, RCR. Unravelling the Role of Habenula Subnuclei on Avoidance Response: Focus on Activation and Neuroinflammation.. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 27 June 2023, 24 (13): 10693. PMC 10342060可免费查阅. PMID 37445871. doi:10.3390/ijms241310693可免费查阅. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Boulos, LJ; Darcq, E; Kieffer, BL. Translating the Habenula-From Rodents to Humans.. Biological Psychiatry. 15 February 2017, 81 (4): 296–305. PMC 5143215可免费查阅. PMID 27527822. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.06.003. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ables, JL; Park, K; Ibañez-Tallon, I. Understanding the habenula: A major node in circuits regulating emotion and motivation.. Pharmacological Research. April 2023, 190: 106734. PMID 36933754. doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2023.106734可免费查阅. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Juárez-Leal, I; Carretero-Rodríguez, E; Almagro-García, F; Martínez, S; Echevarría, D; Puelles, E. Stria medullaris innervation follows the transcriptomic division of the habenula.. Scientific Reports. 16 June 2022, 12 (1): 10118. Bibcode:2022NatSR..1210118J. PMC 9203815可免费查阅. PMID 35710872. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-14328-1. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Viswanath, H; Carter, AQ; Baldwin, PR; Molfese, DL; Salas, R. The medial habenula: still neglected.. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013, 7: 931. PMC 3894476可免费查阅. PMID 24478666. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00931可免费查阅. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Guglielmotti, Vittorio; Cristino, Luigia. The interplay between the pineal complex and the habenular nuclei in lower vertebrates in the context of the evolution of cerebral asymmetry. Brain Research Bulletin. 2006, 69 (5): 475–488. ISSN 0361-9230. PMID 16647576. S2CID 24786037. doi:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2006.03.010. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Geisler S, Trimble M. The lateral habenula: no longer neglected. CNS Spectrums. June 2008, 13 (6): 484–9. PMID 18567972. S2CID 37331212. doi:10.1017/S1092852900016710. 
  9. ^ Matsumoto M, Hikosaka O. Representation of negative motivational value in the primate lateral habenula. Nature Neuroscience. January 2009, 12 (1): 77–84. PMC 2737828可免费查阅. PMID 19043410. doi:10.1038/nn.2233. 
  10. ^ Hong S, Hikosaka O. The globus pallidus sends reward-related signals to the lateral habenula. Neuron. November 2008, 60 (4): 720–9. PMC 2638585可免费查阅. PMID 19038227. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2008.09.035. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Matsumoto M, Hikosaka O. Lateral habenula as a source of negative reward signals in dopamine neurons. Nature. June 2007, 447 (7148): 1111–5. Bibcode:2007Natur.447.1111M. PMID 17522629. S2CID 4418279. doi:10.1038/nature05860. 
  12. ^ Shumake J, Ilango A, Scheich H, Wetzel W, Ohl FW. Differential neuromodulation of acquisition and retrieval of avoidance learning by the lateral habenula and ventral tegmental area. The Journal of Neuroscience. April 2010, 30 (17): 5876–83. PMC 6632612可免费查阅. PMID 20427648. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3604-09.2010. 
  13. ^ Stopper CM, Floresco SB. What's better for me? Fundamental role for lateral habenula in promoting subjective decision biases. Nature Neuroscience. January 2014, 17 (1): 33–5. PMC 4974073可免费查阅. PMID 24270185. doi:10.1038/nn.3587. 
  14. ^ Yang Y, Wang H, Hu J, Hu H. Lateral habenula in the pathophysiology of depression. Curr Opin Neurobiol. February 2018, 48: 90–96. PMID 29175713. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2017.10.024可免费查阅. 
  15. ^ Beretta, Carlo Antonio; Dross, Nicolas; Gutierrez-Triana, Jose Arturo; Ryu, Soojin; Carl, Matthias. Habenula circuit development: past, present, and future. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2012-01-01, 6: 51. PMC 3332237可免费查阅. PMID 22536170. doi:10.3389/fnins.2012.00051可免费查阅. 
  16. ^ Bianco, Isaac H.; Wilson, Stephen W. The habenular nuclei: a conserved asymmetric relay station in the vertebrate brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 2009-04-12, 364 (1519): 1005–1020. ISSN 0962-8436. PMC 2666075可免费查阅. PMID 19064356. doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0213 (英语). 
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  24. ^ Bromberg-Martin ES, Hikosaka O. Lateral habenula neurons signal errors in the prediction of reward information. Nature Neuroscience. August 2011, 14 (9): 1209–16. PMC 3164948可免费查阅. PMID 21857659. doi:10.1038/nn.2902. 
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  26. ^ Sartorius A, Kiening KL, Kirsch P, von Gall CC, Haberkorn U, Unterberg AW, Henn FA, Meyer-Lindenberg A. Remission of major depression under deep brain stimulation of the lateral habenula in a therapy-refractory patient. Biological Psychiatry. January 2010, 67 (2): e9–e11. PMID 19846068. S2CID 43590983. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.08.027. 
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  29. ^ Yang Y, Cui Y, Sang K, Dong Y, Ni Z, Ma S, Hu H. Ketamine blocks bursting in the lateral habenula to rapidly relieve depression. Nature. February 2018, 554 (7692): 317–322. Bibcode:2018Natur.554..317Y. PMID 29446381. S2CID 3334820. doi:10.1038/nature25509. 
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  • Jetti SK, Vendrell-Llopis N, Yaksi E. Spontaneous activity governs olfactory representations in spatially organized habenular microcircuits. Current Biology. February 2014, 24 (4): 434–9. PMID 24508164. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.01.015可免费查阅.