

国家/地区 英国

笨嘴笨舌奖(英语:Foot in Mouth Award),又译语无伦次奖不知所云奖,是一项由英国白话英语运动(Plain English Campaign)创立的奖项。这奖项专门颁发给“言语令人困惑的公众人士”[1],用以督促公众人物向大众提供资讯时,应使用简洁、易懂的语言和文字。

首届的笨嘴笨舌奖于1993年颁发,得奖者为英国板球队教练Ted Dexter,翌年举行第二届的评选。其后又停办两年,直至1997年起每年颁发。此外,英国简明英语组织还因前美国副总统丹·奎尔在1991年时所讲的话而额外向其颁发奖项。



年份 得奖者 图像 理由 注释
1991 丹·奎尔 Dan Quayle 美国前副总统丹·奎尔:“我们给予党“大帐篷政策”(政治术语,即包容各种不同政治和社会观点的政策)。至于如何建立和开始这平台,还有待观察。但这会非常清晰。”(We offer the party as a big tent. How we do that with the platform, the preamble to the platform or whatnot, that remains to be seen. But that message will have to be articulated with great clarity.) [2]
1993 泰德·德克斯特英语Ted Dexter
(Ted Dexter)
Ted Dexter 英格兰板球队教练在球队失利后表示:“也许我们所处的星座是错的,也许是因为金星与其他东西错误并排。我真的不知道。”(Maybe we are in the wrong sign. Maybe Venus is in the wrong juxtaposition with something else. I don't know.) [2]
1994 戈登·布朗 Gordon Brown 当时还是英国影子财政大臣的戈登·布朗在“新经济论坛”中的说出不少令人困惑的话:“后新古典内生增长理论的增长”(the growth of post neo-classical endogenous growth theory)和“在个人、公司或国家和政府角色对现代工业的工人竞争力和其意义的辩论中可培养竞争力。”(debate over the meaning and implications of competitiveness at the level of individuals, the firm or the nation and the role of government in fashioning modern industrial policies which focus on nurturing competitiveness.) [2]
1997 力克·安德伍德
(Nick Underwood)
Nick Underwood为《天线宝宝》的市场部成员,他说:“在生命有林林总总的颜色,而天线宝宝也正是如此。天线宝宝们没有国籍,他们就只是有天线的宝宝,这正好反映出现实生活。”(in life, there are all colours and the Teletubbies are a reflection of that. There are no nationalities in the Teletubbies – they are techno-babies, but they are supposed to reflect life in that sense.) [2]
1998 洛蒂·摩根 Rhodri Morgan 英国工党成员洛蒂·摩根被问到会否成为威尔士国民议会主席时回应:“跛脚鸭能游圈吗?”(Does a one-legged duck swim in circles?) [3]
1999 格伦·霍德尔 Glenn Hoddle 时任英格兰足球队教练在谈及残障人士时表示:“我不相信这东西。在此刻,我并不知道在数年间的改变,但今天的转变正是我们从部分的生活和信仰中得来。可是,此时此刻, 我没有说他们的不是,但总有一日我会一一记录下来,因这会伤害到他人。”(I do not believe that. At this moment in time, if that changes in years to come I don't know, but what happens here today and changes as we go along that is part of life's learning and part of your inner beliefs. But at this moment in time I did not say them things and at the end of the day I want to put that on record because it has hurt people.) [4]
2000 艾莉西亚·席薇史东 Alicia Silverstone 美国演员、《独领风骚》的女主角艾莉西亚·席薇史东在评论其作时说:“我认为《独领风骚》很有深度。我认为这深度是在于它非常的易明。我认为若这真的易明,易明度可达到很深的地步。”(I think that Clueless was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness.) [5]
2001 翠西·艾敏 Tracey Emin 英国艺术家翠西·艾敏:“要用字来说,我会用独特性来形容艺术的重要性–这也是令我的作品相当独特。”(When it comes to words I have a uniqueness that I find almost impossible in terms of art – and it's my words that actually make my art quite unique.) [6]
2002 理查·基尔 Richard Gere 美国电影演员理查·基尔道:“我知道我是谁。没有人会知道我是谁。如果我是长颈鹿而有人认为我是蛇,我想,不,我其实是长颈鹿。”(I know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe and somebody said I was a snake, I'd think 'No, actually I am a giraffe.) [6]
2003 拉姆斯菲尔德 Donald Rumsfeld 美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德因其“不知之不知论”赢得此奖:“据我们所知,有‘已知的已知’,有些事,我们知道我们知道;我们也知道,有‘已知的未知’,也就是说,有些事,我们现在知道我们不知道。但是,同样存在‘不知的不知’——有些事,我们不知道我们不知道。”(Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don't know we don't know.) [7]
2004 鲍里斯·约翰逊 Boris Johnson 英国保守党成员,同时也是后来的英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在BBC的游戏节目中说:“我不能给你更少的反对意见了。”(I could not fail to disagree with you less.) [8]
2005 洛蒂·摩根 Rhodri Morgan 洛蒂·摩根在一个关于警务的辩论中使他第二度赢得此奖:“唯一要做的不是人人有份,而是不变。我认为这是公平的,除非不变,否则这只是玩玩然而。”(The only thing which isn't up for grabs is no change and I think it's fair to say, it's all to play for, except for no change.) [3]
2006 娜欧蜜·坎贝儿 Naomi Campbell 英国超级名模娜欧蜜·坎贝儿:“我爱英格兰,特别是它的食品,没有什么东西比一碗意大利面更让我高兴了。”(I love England, especially the food. There's nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta.) [9]
2007 麦克拉伦 Steve McClaren 时代英格兰足球队的教练在评论当时还是新星的朗尼时表示:“他经验不足,但是就他在球场上的表现,可以说他是经验丰富的。”(He is inexperienced, but he's experienced in terms of what he's been through) [10]
2008 乔治·布什 George W. Bush 美国总统乔治·布什除了夺得本年度的奖项外,更因他屡次失言而赢得终生成就奖,例子有:“我知我相信。我会继续表达我所相信的而且我相信–我所信的是对的。”(I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe – I believe what I believe is right)以及“我希望你能离开这儿,走出去说‘他说了什么?’”("I hope you leave here and walk out and say, "what did he say?") [11][2]
2009 文德森 Peter Mandelson 英国工党成员文德森在回应会议开支丑闻时表示:“也许我们不需要更多的人找更多的角落,但这些人应找更多的角落就可更彻底的避免小事情被标志成首相认为的大事情。”(Perhaps we need not more people looking round more corners but the same people looking round more corners more thoroughly to avoid the small things detracting from the big things the Prime Minister is getting right.) [12]
2010 雷德克纳普 Jamie Redknapp 足球评论员雷德克纳普被指滥用“名副其实”(literally)这字:“现在这些球–名副其实地炸了你的腿。”("These balls now – they literally explode off your feet.") [13]
2011 贝卢斯科尼 Silvio Berlusconi 前意大利总统贝卢斯科尼因“我很经常忠实”(I am pretty often faithful)而夺奖。 [14][15]
2012 米特·罗姆尼 Mitt Romney 美国总统候选人米特·罗姆尼因经常出丑而得奖,他的名言如:“我喜欢能够开除向我提供服务的人。”(I like being able to fire people who provide services to me)、“有几件事是令人不安的。这事关于私人保安公司没有足够的人,是因移民和海关官员的罢工—这显然不是令人鼓舞的。”(There are a few things that were disconcerting. The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials – that obviously is not something which is encouraging),以及“我相信那样的一个美国,当中有着百万的美国人相信着那样的一个美国—有百万美国人相信的美国。那就是我所爱的美国。”(I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love.) [16]
2013 戈弗雷·布卢姆英语Godfrey Bloom
(Godfrey Bloom)
Godfrey Bloom 英国独立党人Godfrey Bloom因在2013年间多次失言而夺得此奖。他曾以歧视性语言“Bongo Bongo Land”来形容接受英国援助的国家。之后,他又称一名女观众为“荡妇”(sluts)。 [17]
2014 罗素·布兰德 Russell Brand 喜剧演员罗素·布兰德在一场关于民主的辩论中以无法理解的逻辑问鼎此奖。他在这场辩论中说﹕“我觉得内部混乱是在四处发生的。我喜欢这情况,并对行动主义很有感情,尤其是行动主义满载潜能。说认真的,对抗运动看来不会停滞,反而是如成立之时般的庞大。”(The internal mayhem I'm feeling is spilling out everywhere. I loved it, and felt very connected to activism - particularly activism that feels loaded with potential. Not the oppositional activism that seems like there's a stasis around it - earnestly sincere, but a monolith equal to the establishment.) [18]
2015 唐纳德·川普 Donald Trump 2016年美国总统选举候选人唐纳德·川普于论坛中指墨西哥移民“带来毒品、带来犯罪,他们是强奸犯。但我承认他们之中有些人是好的”(They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.")。另外,他又称约翰·麦凯恩“不是战争英雄,他之所以被封为英雄是他被俘获。我喜欢没有被俘获的人。”(He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured.)。 [19]
2016 鲍里斯·约翰逊 Boris Johnson 鲍里斯·约翰逊经常是本奖项的竞争者,今年也不例外。这次是他第二度获奖,由其“永不沉没”的保证引起:“‘英国脱离欧盟’代表‘英国脱离欧盟’,我们会取得泰坦尼克号(式)的成功。”(Brexit means Brexit and we're going to make a Titanic success of it.) [20]
2017 雅各·里斯-莫格 Jacobreesmogg 雅各·里斯-莫格将食物银行形容为“相当令人振奋”("rather uplifting")而击败和唐纳德·川普及鲍里斯·约翰逊夺得本奖项。大多数人认为食物银行官方非常担心贫富差距扩大。来自东北萨默塞特选区的里斯-莫格议员似乎喜欢依靠慈善活动的家庭工作。 [21]
2018 埃隆·马斯克 Elonmusk 埃隆·马斯克在Twitter反击带领潜水员营救泰国被困足球队时,回答称:“抱歉恋童哥,你确实是自找的。”(Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.) [22]
2019 鲍里斯·约翰逊 Boris Johnson 约翰逊在回应记者提问他“能否向英国公众承诺不再向布鲁塞尔请求押后脱欧时”回答“我可以,我会宁愿死在壕沟里”(Yes, I can. I'd rather be dead in a ditch),但随后约翰逊还是根据彭氏法令,向欧洲理事会主席图斯克请求延迟脱欧。 [23]
2020 托比·扬 Toby Young in 2011 托比·扬在英国每日电讯报的一篇文章中评论新冠疫情表示“我大胆推测将来不会有第二次高峰,现在不会,秋天也不会,病毒已经溶化在稀薄的空气中,是时候恢复正常了。(I'm going to go out on a limb and predict there will be no 'second spike' – not now, and not in the autumn either. The virus has melted into thin air. It's time to get back to normal.) [24]
2021 多米尼克·拉布 多米尼克·拉布在评论仇女时表示“仇女完全是错误的,无论是男性针对女性抑或是女性针对男性”。(Misogyny is absolutely wrong – whether it’s a man against a woman, or a woman against a man.) [25]
2022 詹尼·因凡蒂诺 国际足联会长詹尼·因凡蒂诺在关注卡塔尔的人权问题时说道:“今天我有非常强烈的感受。今天,我感受到卡塔尔人。 今天,我感受到阿拉伯人。今天,我感受到非洲人。今天,我感受到同性恋。今天,我感受到残疾。今天,我感受到移民工人。我感受到的这一切源自我一直在看到的和听到的,因为我没有阅读,否则我会感到沮丧(Today I have very strong feelings. Today, I feel Qatari. Today, I feel Arab. Today, I feel African. Today, I feel gay. Today, I feel disabled. Today, I feel a migrant worker. I feel all this because what I have been seeing and what I have been told, since I don't read, otherwise I will be depressed)。凡蒂诺也因此成为首位得奖的非英语母语人士。 [26]


  1. ^ Top 10 weirdest awards ceremonies. TheVine.com.au (Sydney: Fairfax Media). 16 February 2012 [18 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-06). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Past winners. Plain English Campaign. [18 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-25). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Morgan's gobbledegook award No. 2. BBC News. 13 December 2005 [30 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2008-03-19). 
  4. ^ Prescott's prize for bad language. The Guardian (London: Guardian Media Group). 8 December 1999 [30 September 2012]. 
  5. ^ Alicia leaves us Clueless. BBC News. 6 December 2000 [30 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2008-07-26). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Ezard, John. Gere stumbles across award. The Guardian (London: Guardian Media Group). 5 December 2002 [30 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-01). 
  7. ^ Rum remark wins Rumsfeld an award. BBC News. 2 December 2003 [30 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-24). 
  8. ^ Bumbling Boris lands Foot in Mouth award. Daily Mail (London: Daily Mail and General Trust). 3 December 2004 [30 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  9. ^ Jones, Dolly. Naomi's Super Gaffe. Vogue (New York: Condé Nast). 12 December 2006 [28 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  10. ^ Majendie, Paul. George Bush loses close run for 'Foot in Mouth'. Reuters. 11 December 2007 [28 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-03). 
  11. ^ Boyle, Christina. President Bush's abuse of English language gets Foot in Mouth award. Daily News (New York: Daily News, L.P.). 9 December 2008 [28 September 2012]. 
  12. ^ Mandelson wins award for political 'gobbledegook'. BBC News. 8 December 2009 [28 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-06). 
  13. ^ Daily Mail Reporter. Boris Johnson and Jamie Redknapp shamed over poor use of English. Daily Mail (London: Daily Mail and General Trust). 10 December 2010 [28 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-28). 
  14. ^ Bloxham, Andy. Met Office wins award for bad English for using phrase 'a rash of beefy showers'. The Daily Telegraph (London: Telegraph Media Group). 9 December 2011 [18 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-08). 
  15. ^ Humphris, Rachel. Plain English Awards. CorpComms. 9 December 2011 [18 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-09). 
  16. ^ 2012 Foot in Mouth award winner. Plain English Campaign. [11 February 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-20). 
  17. ^ Foot in mouth gong for Godfrey Bloom, Yorkshire and Humber MEP. BBC News. [6 December 2013]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-27). 
  18. ^ The 2014 Foot in Mouth award goes to Russell Brand. Plain English Campaign. [10 December 2014]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-20). 
  19. ^ 2015 award. Plain English Campaign. [17 February 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23). 
  20. ^ Foot in Mouth award 2016. [2017-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-25). 
  21. ^ Foot in Mouth award 2017 (PDF). [2021-10-28]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-07-07). 
  22. ^ Foot in Mouth award 2017 (PDF). [永久失效链接]
  23. ^ Foot in Mouth awards 2019. Plain English Campaign. [26 September 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-06). 
  24. ^ Foot in mouth awards 2020. Plain English Campaign. [3 December 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-06). 
  25. ^ Foot in mouth awards 2021. Plain English Campaign. [23 December 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-07). 
  26. ^ Foot in Mouth award 2022. Plain English Campaign. [10 December 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-17). 
