在植物分类学中,变种(拉丁文:varietas,缩写 var.)为一种分类级别,位于种与亚种之下、变型之上;作为种下分类群,生物学名会采用三名法。
[编辑]有一种枕形仙人掌“Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb.”为一种广分布种,分布范围从加拿大至墨西哥。在新墨西哥州海拔低于 2,600米(8,500英尺) 的地方都能见到他的踪影。目前纪录就有九个变种。亚利桑那州纪录的变种为“Escobaria vivipara var. arizonica”,而新墨西哥州的变种则为“Escobaria vivipara var. neo-mexicana”。由于彼此仍属同一个种,因此他们有能力杂交形成具有繁殖能力的后代,所以在两种变种的地盘之间,常常会形成过渡带。
[编辑]此章节需要扩充。 (2013年9月) |
[编辑]- 在园艺栽培命名上, nomenclature, at least in countries that are signatory to the UPOV Convention, "variety" or "plant variety" is a legal term.
- 在国际动物命名法规(ICZN),唯一被认可的种下名是亚种,这个名称是1961年首次使用。在动物学上,学界较少利用形态学及多态性来做分类命名,如果需要,也可做非正式的命名,但需按照国际动物命名法规的方针。
- In bacteriological nomenclature "variety" is not allowed, but names published as varieties before 1992 are taken to be published as subspecies.
- In 葡萄栽培 nomenclature, what is referred to as "grape varieties" are in reality 栽培品种s according to usage in the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants or "plant varieties" in the legal sense rather than botanical taxonomy varieties, since they are propagated by 扦插 and have properties that are not stable under 有性生殖. However, usage of the term variety is so entrenched in viticulture that a change to cultivar is unlikely.
[编辑]- ^ Robert T. Clausen. On The Use Of The Terms "Subspecies" And "Variety". Rhodora. 1941, 43 (509): 157–167 [2015-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-31).
- ^ 亞種?變種? Subspecies? Varieties?. 香港生物多样性数据库 HKBIS. [2024-09-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-07) (中文(香港)).