
l'll Make a Man Out of You
收录于专辑《花木蘭:電影原聲帶英语Mulan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack
发行日期1998年6月2日 (1998-06-02)
作曲馬修·懷爾德英语Matthew Wilder
作词大衛·齊佩爾英语David Zippel
  • 馬修·懷爾德

男子漢〉 (英語 :"I'll Make a Man Out of You")是1998年華特迪士尼影業動畫電影《花木蘭》的插曲,由馬修·懷爾德英语Matthew Wilder作曲、大衛·齊佩爾英语David Zippel作詞。由美國歌手唐尼·奧斯蒙主唱,代替原配音員黃榮亮聲演李翔上尉。




〈男子漢〉由《花木蘭》歌曲創作班底馬修·懷爾德英语Matthew Wilder作曲、大衛·齊佩爾英语David Zippel作詞。兩人成為團隊的原因是迪士尼相信他們能為每首歌曲帶來不同的風格[1]。當時齊佩爾在百老匯擔任詞作家,他在迪士尼《大力士》中的貢獻給予導演東尼·班克羅夫特英语Tony Bancroft深刻印象,而懷爾德是一名流行歌手,最知名於他的歌曲〈Break My Stride英语Break My Stride[1]。班克羅夫特表示,雖然詞曲作家「有兩種不同的審美觀 ... (他們的風格)融合的結果卻不賴,尤其是〈男子漢〉」[1]

The directors cast American singer Donny Osmond as the singing voice of Shang because he and BD Wong share similar voices; Osmond had auditioned for the role of Hercules in Disney's Hercules, for which he was turned down because he sounded "too old".

詞曲作家史蒂芬·許瓦茲原先預定要為《花木蘭》負責填詞,直到「在最後一刻」被齊佩爾取代[2]。許瓦茲當時已寫出一首歌,名為〈We'll Make a Man of You〉[註 1][3],然而因為他另一方面也為競爭對手夢工廠動畫電影《埃及王子》譜曲,在迪士尼高管彼得·施奈德英语Peter Schneider (film executive)邁克·艾斯納的逼迫下辭職。歌曲於是被取代為〈男子漢〉[註 2][4][5]。懷爾德和齊佩爾最先發想出歌曲的標題後獲得啟發,從而創作出它的歌詞和音樂[6]。齊佩爾認為這個諷刺的標題,帶出花木蘭的女子身分和男人價值觀的矛盾,因此在選定標題的時候就感覺到「會有好事降臨」[6]。他們希望這能在電影中創造一個既好笑又不會過於明顯,同時始終保有角色特色的蒙太奇片段[6]。難能可貴的是,電影製作人在看到歌曲的初稿就對這首歌曲普遍表示滿意[6]

懷爾德形容在譜寫它的音樂上使出了渾身乏術:「我一開始就知道它要聽起來很有氣勢,而我知道它確切的節奏和韻律是怎樣。」[6]為了融合西方和東方的風格,懷爾德借用傳統中國鼓的敲打韻律,然後將其與軍鼓結合起來,在此基礎上,他繼續不斷疊加,最終「它形成這樣的中國遊行美國樂隊的不和諧效果」[6]。懷爾德和齊佩爾決定將鼓融合進歌曲中,以此展現「一種陽剛和肌肉感」,之後發現歌曲在結構上非常奇怪,但與歌詞配合的十分合適[6]。齊佩爾將「對男子氣概的自然主義描述」加入到歌詞,如:熊熊野火、奔騰的江河、巨大的颱風,好「進入李翔的頭腦中」。他解釋:「我本來想把自己當成上尉,試著思考這麼一位亞洲上尉會如何以不同的方式領導他的軍團,和如何稱呼他的部隊,」之後發現這是一個「賦予一些特殊性」的機會[6]。懷爾德親自錄製了歌曲的演示帶,並被改編成包含由保羅·巴克馬斯特英语Paul Buckmaster指揮的百人管弦樂團與男合唱團的作品[6]




"I'll Make a Man Out of You" is performed by Captain Li Shang during Mulan's training montage,[11] which has also been identified as the film's "boot camp sequence."[12] The scene explores Shang's attempt to train his newly recruited squadron of incompetent soldiers in the hopes of ultimately transforming them into a skilled army.[13] Occupying a significant portion of the film's plot, Shang promises to turn his team of "rag-tag recruits" into men,[14][15] implying that they are merely boys unless they learn to fight while entirely unaware that Mulan is a woman.[16] The musical number is used to "compress dramatic time or narrate" in a more compelling way than had solely dialogue been used.[17] The scene begins with Shang shooting an arrow into the top of a tall pole and challenging all of his soldiers to retrieve it, each of whom fail until Mulan eventually succeeds. According to the book Into the Closet: Cross-Dressing and the Gendered Body in Children's Literature and Film by Victoria Flanagan, Mulan is successful in retrieving the arrow because she uses "an ingenuity that is based upon her ability to incorporate aspects of femininity into her masculine performance."[18] By the end of the scene, all of the soldiers have improved dramatically and the results of their practice and training are finally revealed.[19] In what Joshua and Judges author Athalya Brenner called "a humorous reversal toward the end of the movie," Mulan and her male comrades disguise themselves as concubines in order to infiltrate the palace and rescue the emperor while "I'll Make a Man Out of You" reprises in the background.[20]

File:I'll Make a Man Out of You.jpg
Screenshot of Mulan (left), disguised as "Ping", being reprimanded by Shang (right) during the "I'll Make a Man Out of You" sequence due to her incompetence.

Critics have observed ways in which the scene explores Mulan's growth and transformation as the character evolves from a clumsy, inexperienced recruit into one of the army's most skilled soldiers, in spite of her gender. According to the book Literacy, Play and Globalization: Converging Imaginaries in Children's Critical and Cultural Performances, the montage depicts Mulan's gender as "an obstacle to overcome."[21] Author Phyllis Frus wrote in her book Beyond Adaptation: Essays on Radical Transformations of Original Works, "The need for inexperienced young men to go through a rigorous training results in a sequence common to many films," and that the scene "shows the challenges Ping/Mulan faces due to her" inexperience.[19] As observed by Juanita Kwok in the book Film Asia: New Perspectives on Film for English, the irony of the scene lies within the fact that "Mulan proves herself more competent than any of the men."[22] The author also observed that the scene's first refrain accompanies shots of Shang, while its second "coincides with Mulan climbing to the top of the pole."[23] Additionally, while the earlier, all-female musical number "Honor to Us All" "functions as an account of the constructedness of female gender," "I'll Make a Man Out of You" "juxtaposes and makes explicit the contention that gender is a cultural product," according to Johnson Cheu, author of Diversity in Disney Films: Critical Essays on Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality and Disability.[24] The Representation of Gender in Walt Disney's "Mulan" believes that the song emphasizes desirable masculine traits, namely "discipline ... tranquility, celerity, strength and fearlessness,"[25] while Shang, according to Putting the Grail Back into Girl Power: How a Girl Saved Camelot, and why it Matters, "views [femininity] as comparable to weakness."[26] In her article Disney's "Mulan"—the "True" Deconstructed Heroine?, Lisa Brocklebank argued the song explores themes such as othering, ostracism and abjection.[27] Hannah Yasharoff, writing for USA Today, believes Mulan is used to counter the idea that masculinity is "the only way to become strong enough to win the war".[28]

Comparing the song to other training sequences such as Private Benjamin (1980), Wilder explained that the filmmakers "were trying to marry the idea of that hyper-masculinity as if it were a Marine moment, but instead of it being Marines, it was the Chinese army." Critics have drawn similarities between the "I'll Make a Man Out of You" sequence and Hercules' training montage in Disney's Hercules (1997), as well as actress Demi Moore's role as Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil in the film G. I. Jane (1997).[11] In the book Ways of Being Male: Representing Masculinities in Children's Literature, author John Stephens wrote that although both Mulan and Hercules depict "the active male body as spectacle," Mulan's is less "straight-forward" due to the character's gender.[23] Michael Dequina of The Movie Report observed that "Mulan's transformation is highly reminiscent of Demi Moore's in last year's Disney drama G.I. Jane, but Mulan oneups that film's hour-long toughening process by efficiently covering the same ground during a single, rousing musical number."[29]


Written in common time at a tempo of 114 beats per minute and starting out in the key of G major, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" has been identified as a "heroic power ballad"[30] and anthem[31] that features an upbeat, "thumping" rhythm.[32][33] Wilder himself has identified "I'll Make a Man Out of You" as "a very odd pop song".[34] The Disney Song Encyclopedia described the song as a "rhythmic military song."[35] Beginning with "a military-style drum" introduction,[23] "I'll Make a Man Out of You", which is immediately preceded by the emotional ballad "Reflection" on the film's soundtrack album, "breaks up the slower pace of the songs," according to[36] Similar to the song "A Girl Worth Fighting For", the "ironically titled"[37] "I'll Make a Man Out of You" "play[s] off Mulan's secret" because Shang is unaware that she is actually a girl, as observed by Jeffrey Gantz of The Phoenix.[38] Johnson Cheu, author of Diversity in Disney Films: Critical Essays on Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality and Disability, received the song as a counterpart to the all-female musical number "Honor to Us All".[24] Going into the last verse, the song's key shifts up to F minor and later towards the end, "the backing track falls into silence and [Osmond's] vocals come to the fore."[39] Osmond's vocal range spans one octave, from D3 to G#4[40] Beginning with two verses, followed by a bridge, a refrain, a final verse and repeated choruses,[41] the song is a total of three minutes and twenty-one seconds in length.[42]

Entertainment Weekly identified the number as the film's "rambunctious peak."[43] According to Victoria Flanagan, author of Into the Closet: Gender and Cross-dressing in Children's Fiction: Cross-Dressing and the Gendered Body in Children's Literature and Film, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" is "a playful parody of conventional masculinity."[18] USA Today's Hannah Yasharoff described the song as "a tongue-in-cheek comment on sexism".[28] Lyrically, Zippel described the track as a song about "hyper-masculinity" that is disturbed by "the whole idea of Mulan", identifying the song as an opportunity "to have those two issues head-to-head."[34] The lyric "I'll make a man out of you" is constantly repeated and reinforced by Shang.[38] According to author John Stephens of Ways of Being Male: Representing Masculinities in Children's Literature, the song's lyrics "initially define masculinity in opposition to femininity,"[23] with its first verse beginning, Let's get down to business To defeat the Huns / Did they send me daughters / When l asked for sons ?"[44] Its chorus reads, Be a man We must be swift as the coursing river / Be a man With all the force of a great typhoon / Be a man With all the strength of a raging fire / Mysterious as the dark side of the moon " which,[13] according to Ways of Being Male: Representing Masculinities in Children's Literature, "essentializes masculinity by asserting that it embodies the speed, strength and power of the natural world, and yet contains this within an aura of tranquility and mystery."[23] According to Beyond Adaptation: Essays on Radical Transformations of Original Works, these lyrics "add a hint of darkness as they celebrate male prowess" by suggesting that one who has "acquired fiery strength" is also "untamed as the moon's dark side."[19] According to The Phoenix, Osmond performs the song's lyrics with "grit."[38] Meanwhile, the singer is backed up by a macho-sounding choir repeatedly chanting "Be a man!",[13][45] a call and response preceded by three chords intertwined with lyrics such as "you must be swift as the coursing river" and "with all the force of a great typhoon."[34] Entertainment Weekly's Maureen Lee Lenker identified the "Be a man" chorus as the song's most iconic moment.[34]

International versions[编辑]

Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan dubbed the song in Mandarin and Cantonese for the film's editions released in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China; Chan's rendition has been met with generally positive reviews.

Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan was hired to dub the voice of Shang and record "I'll Make a Man Out of You" in Mandarin and Cantonese.[46][47] The special edition DVD release of Mulan features a music video of Chan performing the song. The video also depicts Chan performing martial arts-inspired choreography. Positively received, Scott Chitwood of called Chan's rendition "a fun addition for Chan fans,"[48] while Nancy Churnin of The Dallas Morning News wrote that he performed the song "very ably."[49]

The special edition DVD release of the movie also features a multi-lingual version of the song "I'll Make a Man Out of You" sung in 16 of the 30 versions originally released for the movie.[50]

Critical response[编辑]

"I'll Make a Man Out of You" has been met with mostly positive reviews from both film and music critics. Irving Tan of Sputnikmusic wrote, "there hasn't been a single chorus in all of post-Mulan pop music that has managed to rival the roaring power in the refrain."[13] Scott Chitwood of reviewed "I'll Make a Man Out of You" as "a stirring, testosterone filled piece," describing the scene as "amusing."[48] Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly wrote that the song "has a comparable infectious punch," concluding, "it's the only song in the movie that escapes Disneyfied blandness."[43] Jeff Vice of the Deseret News observed that Wong and Osmond's "voices sound eerily similar."[51] Tom Henry of The Blade enjoyed Osmond's delivery, describing the singer's performance as "solid."[52] Lloyd Paseman of The Register-Guard called "I'll Make a Man Out of You" a favorite of his.[53] While exploring "The History of Movie Training Montages", Chris Giblin of Men's Fitness opined, "Mulan served as proof that the fitness montage can work amazingly well in movies for kids." Giblin continued, "it has the best lyrics of any serious fitness/sports montage song. Overall, a very strong montage."[54] itself cites "I'll Make a Man Out of You" as a "song that was so epic, so legendary, that it requires an out loud sing along anytime we hear it."[30]

Despite dubbing the film's songs its "weak link," TV Guide wrote that the musical numbers are "crafted with a knowing, almost camp wink that's totally in keeping with the subtext of the film," concluding that "I'll Make a Man Out of You" sounds like a Village People song.[55] Writing for The Seattle Times, Moira Macdonald criticized Wilder and Zippel's songs as "forgettable," calling "I'll Make a Man Out of You" "annoying."[32] The Phoenix's Jeffrey Gantz wrote that "Donny Osmond shows some grit, but he's still the voice of the Whitebread West."[38]'s Jason Verlinde commented, "Unfortunately, the voice of Donny Osmond, relegated to anthems such as 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' doesn't really enhance the story line".[31]

Live performances and covers[编辑]

In April 2017, Osmond performed "I'll Make a Man Out of You" live on the 24th season of the reality television competition Dancing with the Stars,[56] the ninth season of which Osmond himself had won.[57] Part of the season's Disney-themed episode, Osmond's performance accompanied singer Normani and professional dancer Val Chmerkovskiy's pasodoble.[57] The competitors were ultimately he highest-scoring couple of the evening, earning a score of 49 from the judges.[58]

In October 2014, a parody of "I'll Make a Man Out of You" was uploaded to YouTube entitled "I'll Make a 'Mon Out of You".[59] A mashup of Mulan and the popular Pokémon franchise, the video features Digimon Gatomon attempting to masquerade as Pokémon Meowth in lieu of Mulan, while Ash occupies the role of Shang as his trainer, according to Smosh.[60] Another parody of the song, based on the Dragon Ball franchise was uploaded to YouTube by TeamFourStar.[61] Although the 2020 remake of Mulan leaves out, "I'll Make a Man Out of You," a fanedit by Blue Hippo Films uses the movie's new training scenes to convincingly add the song back.[62]

On April 16, 2020, Donny Osmond gave an at-home performance of the song during The Disney Family Singalong.[63]

Impact and legacy[编辑]

Total Film ranked "I'll Make a Man Out of You" twenty-ninth on its list of the "30 Best Disney Songs".[39] Similarly, M ranked the song twentieth on its list of the "Top 20 Disney Songs of All Time". Author Stephanie Osmanski cited "Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?" as her favourite lyric.[64] PopSugar ranked the song the nineteenth "Catchiest Disney Song".[65] In 2012, Entertainment Weekly readers voted the song 18th on their list of 20 all-time greatest Disney songs.[來源請求] Osmond himself acknowledged the accomplishment in a Facebook post, writing, "In my grandkids' eyes, this is easily my greatest accomplishment yet."[66] Comedy Central Josh Pappenheim called "I'll Make a Man Out of You" "one of the most iconic Disney songs of all time".[67] Hannah Yasharoff, writing for USA Today, dubbed the track "an iconic moment in pop culture."[28]

On Empire's list of the twenty "Most Awesome Training Montages In Cinema History", "I'll Make a Man Out of You" was ranked 14th. The author identified it as "a solid training montage in which Mulan and her friends go from hapless duffers to fearless warriors in just over two minutes."[68] Similarly, Men's Fitness also ranked "I'll Make a Man Out of You" among the greatest training montages in film history.[54] Stephen Fiorentine of Sneaker Report wrote that "Training montages aren't limited to just live-action movies. With movies like Mulan and Hercules, Disney mastered the art of the montage in their animated films."[69]

In 2018, Entertainment Weekly contributor Maureen Lee Lenker wrote that the song has successfully "endured since the film's release" and remained "a perennial favorite" despite being more upbeat than typical Disney songs.[34] Actress Daisy Ridley said that she listens to the song to prepare for action sequences in film roles,[70] particularly for her performance in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015).[71] Ridley explained that the song "makes me feel empowered" and revive her energy, comparing her character Rey finding her strength to Mulan.[71] Media publications have lamented the fact that the 2020 live-action adaptation of the film might not include any songs, particularly "I'll Make a Man Out of You", with Yasharoff writing, "Any excuse to make that song relevant again is more than welcome," and ranking the song second on their reasons "Why the live-action version should replicate the animated musical".[28] While the song itself was not sung in the live-action film, lines from it were repeated during Mulan's training at the camp as a rallying call for the recruits.

Credits and personnel[编辑]

Credits adapted from the website Discogs.[72]


地區 认证 认证单位/销量
英国(英国唱片业协会[73] 400,000double-dagger
美国(美國唱片業協會[74] 2× 白金 2,000,000double-dagger



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  2. ^ Blackwelder, Rob. Forgettable songs no hinderance(原文如此) to Disney's marvelous new style in 'Mulan'. 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  3. ^ Ebert, Roger. Mulan. June 19, 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  4. ^ C., Sandy. The 30 best Disney songs. Hidden Remote. 2017 [December 13, 2018]. 
  5. ^ DiMare, Pilip C. Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia. United States: ABC-CLIO. 2011: 1009. ISBN 978-1-59884-297-5. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 引用错误:没有为名为:19的参考文献提供内容
  7. ^ Vancheri, Barbara. Busy Donny Osmond makes a captain sing. Post-Gazette. June 17, 1998 [October 30, 2014]. 
  8. ^ Barlow, David H. Anxiety and Its Disorders: The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic. United States: Guilford Press. 2004: 454. ISBN 978-1-59385-028-9. 
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  10. ^ Scheerer, Mark. Donny Osmond rolls with the punches for 'Mulan' success. CNN. Cable News Network. July 8, 1998 [October 29, 2014]. (原始内容存档于September 24, 2015). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 McEwen, John R. Mulan. Film Quips Online. June 19, 1998 [October 28, 2014]. 
  12. ^ Blackwelder, Rob. Forgettable songs no hinderance(原文如此) to Disney's marvelous new style in 'Mulan'. 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Tan, Irving. Soundtrack (Disney) – Mulan. Sputnikmusic. December 22, 2010 [October 28, 2014]. 
  14. ^ Ebert, Roger. Mulan. June 19, 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  15. ^ Roten, Robert. Mulan – Disney again shows why it is the master of a genre. Laramie Movie Scope. 1998 [October 28, 2014]. 
  16. ^ C., Sandy. The 30 best Disney songs. Hidden Remote. 2017 [December 13, 2018]. 
  17. ^ DiMare, Pilip C. Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia. United States: ABC-CLIO. 2011: 1009. ISBN 978-1-59884-297-5. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Flanagan, Victoria. Into the Closet: Cross-Dressing and the Gendered Body in Children's Literature and Film. United Kingdom: Routledge. 2013. ISBN 978-1-136-77728-8. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Frus, Phyllis; Williams, Christy. Beyond Adaptation: Essays on Radical Transformations of Original Works. United States: McFarland. 2010: 160–161. ISBN 978-0-7864-5578-2. 
  20. ^ Brenner, Athalya; Yee, Gale A. Joshua and Judges. United States: Fortress Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0-8006-9937-6. 
  21. ^ Medina, Carmen L.; Vohlwend, Karen E. Literacy, Play and Globalization: Converging Imaginaries in Children's Critical and Cultural Performances. United Kingdom: Routledge. 2014: 86. ISBN 978-1-136-19378-1. 
  22. ^ Kwok, Juanita; McKnight, Lucinda. Film Asia: New Perspectives on Film for English. United States: Curriculum Press. 2002: 85. ISBN 978-1-86366-543-8. 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Stephens, John. Ways of Being Male: Representing Masculinities in Children's Literature. United Kingdom: Routledge. 2013: 121–122. ISBN 978-1-135-36384-0. 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Cheu, Johnson. Diversity in Disney Films: Critical Essays on Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality and Disability. United States: McFarland. 2013: 119. ISBN 978-0-7864-4601-8. 
  25. ^ Blum, Sonja. The Representation of Gender in Walt Disney's "Mulan". Bod Third Party Titles. May 2008 [October 30, 2014]. ISBN 978-3-638-94638-4. 
  26. ^ Putting the Grail Back into Girl Power: How a Girl Saved Camelot,...: ingentaconnect. [October 30, 2014]. 
  27. ^ Brocklebank, Lisa. Disney's "Mulan"—the "True" Deconstructed Heroine?. Marvels & Tales (Wayne State University Press). 2000, 14 (2): 268–283. JSTOR 41388562. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Yasharoff, Hannah. 'Mulan' turns 20: Why the live-action version should replicate the animated musical. USA Today. June 18, 2018 [December 12, 2018]. 
  29. ^ Dequina, Michael. Mulan (G). The Movie Report. June 4, 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 An Epic Breakdown of I'll Make a Man Out of You. Oh My Disney. 2014 [November 3, 2014]. 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Verlinde, Jason. Mulan. [October 29, 2014]. 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Macdonald, Moira. Disney's 'Mulan': Surprising Words And Scenes – And Visual Beauty, Too. The Seattle Times. June 19, 1998 [October 10, 2014]. 
  33. ^ Delia, John. "Mulan" Comes to Blu-ray with a Double Feature (Video Review). ACED Magazine. March 19, 2013 [October 28, 2014]. 
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Lenker, Maureen Lee. Mulan: The story behind 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' and its other hit songs. Entertainment Weekly. June 19, 2018 [December 7, 2018]. We knew it needed to be masculine and muscular and hence the drums, all the military aspects of what were factored into a very odd pop song 
  35. ^ Hischak, Thomas S.; Robinson, Mark A. The Disney Song Encyclopedia有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. United States: Scarecrow Press. 2009: 94. ISBN 978-0-8108-6938-7. 
  36. ^ Mulan. June 2, 1998 [October 28, 2014]. 
  37. ^ Stingl, Alexander I; Restivo, Sal; Weiss, Sabrina M. Worlds of ScienceCraft: New Horizons in Sociology, Philosophy, and Science Studies. United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 2014: 81. ISBN 978-1-4094-4527-2. 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Gantz, Jeffrey. True to its heart?. The Phoenix. June 18, 1998 [October 28, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 29, 2014). 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 Winning, Josh. 30 Best Disney Songs. Total Film. Future Publishing Limited. December 3, 2013 [October 30, 2014]. 
  40. ^ I'll Make a Man Out of You From Mulan – Digital Sheet Music. Walt Disney Music Publishing. June 9, 2014 [October 28, 2014]. 
  41. ^ Sonja, Blum. The Representation of Gender in Walt Disney's "Mulan". United Kingdom: Books on Demand. 2008: 15. ISBN 978-3-638-94638-4. 
  42. ^ Mulan (An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack) Various Artists. iTunes. Apple Inc. June 2, 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 Gleiberman, Owen. Mulan (1998). Entertainment Weekly. June 19, 1998 [October 10, 2014]. (原始内容存档于February 27, 2014). 
  44. ^ I'll Make a Man Out of You By Donny Osmond – Digital Sheet Music. May 21, 2007 [October 28, 2014]. 
  45. ^ Nachman, Brett. Disney In Depth: 'Frozen' Soundtrack Review. Geeks of Doom. January 23, 2014 [October 28, 2014]. 
  46. ^ Wynalda, Steve. 10 Awesome Facts About Jackie Chan. Listverse. Listverse Ltd. September 5, 2014 [October 10, 2014]. 
  47. ^ Anthony, Kurt. 10 Blossoming Facts to Reflect on 20 Years of Disney's Mulan. June 19, 2018 [December 12, 2018]. 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Chitwood, Scott. Mulan – Special Edition. CraveOnline Media, LLC. October 23, 2004 [October 29, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 29, 2014). 
  49. ^ Churnin, Nancy. Hurray for a woman who follows her heart. The Dallas Morning News. November 9, 2004 [October 30, 2014]. 
  50. ^ Mulan: Special Edition DVD Review. [February 7, 2020]. 
  51. ^ Vice, Jeff. Film review: Mulan. Deseret News. June 19, 1998 [October 29, 2014]. 
  52. ^ Henry, Tom. MULAN (Soundtrack). The Blade. August 9, 1998 [October 30, 2014]. 
  53. ^ Paseman, Lloyd. Eugene Register-Guard – Google News Archive Search. The Register-Guard. July 2, 1998 [October 30, 2014]. 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 Giblin, Chris. The History of Movie Training Montages. Men's Fitness. Weider Publications, LLC. [October 30, 2014]. 
  55. ^ Mulan. TV Guide. CBS Interactive Inc. 1998 [October 28, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 29, 2014). 
  56. ^ Wagner, Danielle B. Watch: Donny Osmond Performs Epic "I'll Make a Man Out of You" Live on "Dancing with the Stars". LDS Living. April 2017 [December 12, 2018]. 
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 Facer, Brooke. The Clean Cut: Donny Osmond sings numbers from Disney's 'Mulan' on 'Dancing with the Stars'. WRAL-TV. April 20, 2017 [December 12, 2018]. 
  58. ^ Facer, Brooke. The Clean Cut: Donny Osmond sings number from Disney's 'Mulan' on 'Dancing with the Stars'. Deseret News. April 19, 2017 [December 13, 2018]. 
  59. ^ "I'll Make a 'Mon Out of You" Is the Perfect Pokemon-Mulan Mashup. Dorkly. Connected Ventures, LLC. October 9, 2014 [October 31, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 31, 2014). 
  60. ^ Make A 'Mon Out Of You (POKEMON MULAN PARODY). Smosh. Defy Media, LLC. 2014 [October 30, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 31, 2014). 
  61. ^ TFS Parody: Make A Man Out Of You (video). December 23, 2008 [April 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-19) –通过YouTube (英语).  已忽略未知参数|collaboration= (帮助)
  62. ^ Mulan 2020 | I'll Make a Man Out You | Reimagined Fanedit. YouTube. 
  63. ^ Scribner, Herb. Everything you need to know about tonight's 'Disney Family Singalong,' featuring Donny Osmond and Kristin Chenoweth. Deseret News. April 16, 2020 [April 17, 2020] (英语). 
  64. ^ Osmanski, Stephanie. Top 20 Disney Songs of All Time. M. January 9, 2014 [October 30, 2014]. 
  65. ^ Pehanick, Maggie. 25 Disney Songs We Will Never Stop Singing. PopSugar. PopSugar, Inc. June 10, 2014 [October 30, 2014]. 
  66. ^ Lambert, Katie. Donny Osmond's Song Makes "Entertainment Weekly's" Top 20 Disney Songs of All Time. LDS Living. 2017 [December 13, 2018]. 
  67. ^ Pappenheim, Josh. How Well Do You Know "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" From Mulan?. Comedy Central UK. March 20, 2017 [December 12, 2018]. 
  68. ^ The Most Awesome Training Montages In Cinema History. Empire. Bauer Consumer Media Ltd. June 24, 2011 [October 30, 2014]. 
  69. ^ Fiorentine, Stephen. Ranking the Best Workout Montages of All Time. Sneaker Report. Complex Media. November 29, 2014 [February 4, 2015]. 
  70. ^ Ziss, Sophy. Daisy Ridley listens to "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from "Mulan" to pump herself up for action sequences. HelloGiggles. October 11, 2017 [December 8, 2018]. 
  71. ^ 71.0 71.1 Daisy Ridley On Why "I'll Make A Man Out of You" from Mulan Got Her Into Character. Oh My Disney. 2015 [December 8, 2018]. 
  72. ^ Matthew Wilder & David Zippel / Jerry Goldsmith – Disney's Mulan (An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack). Discogs. [November 20, 2014]. 
  73. ^ British single certifications – Donny Osmond – Ill Make a Man Out of You. British Phonographic Industry. [January 13, 2023]. 
  74. ^ American single certifications – Donny Osmond – I'll Make a Man Out of You. Recording Industry Association of America. [March 20, 2023].  若有必要,請按「Advanced」,再按「Format」,然後選擇「Single」, 最後按「SEARCH」。 

為《花木蘭》歌曲,迪士尼找來馬修·懷爾德英语Matthew Wilder大衛·吉波英语David Zippel分別負責作曲和填詞,相信兩人能為每首插曲注入不同的能量。鑒於歌詞本身諷刺性質,懷爾德稱這首歌為一首「喜劇歌曲」。 〈佳人歡迎我〉的音樂在片中援軍抵達一片被燒盡的營地時嘎然而止,吉波形容這個停止是個「十分強而有力的時刻」,而懷爾德則指歌曲的結尾「直接地影響和暗示了敘事的發展,以及動畫師們如何利用這個時刻點石成金」。阿堯、金寶和阿寧配音的

,評論家也將這首歌與迪士尼的《大力士》做對比, 同時將花木蘭的角色轉變與黛米·摩爾在電影《魔鬼女大兵》 中飾演的喬丹·歐尼爾中尉做類比

馬修·懷爾德英语Matthew Wilder作曲, 傑瑞高史密斯此外,莉亞·莎隆嘉(聲演花木蘭)、艾迪·墨菲(聲演木須龍)、哈維·菲爾斯坦英语Harvey Fierstein傑瑞·唐多英语Jerry Tondo和懷爾德也在歌曲中。

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