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This template allows linking to external links found on most current U.S. Governor biographies. This will aid in the maintenance and standardization of these external links.



| nga             = 
| votesmart       =
| washpo          =
| ontheissues     = 
| followmoney     =
| c-span          =
| rose            =
| imdb            =
| nyt             =
| wsj             =
| guardian        =
| worldcat        =
| nndb            =
| findagrave      =
| retrieved       =


{{GovLinks | nga = | votesmart = | washpo = | ontheissues = | followmoney  = | c-span = | rose = | imdb = | nyt= | wsj = | guardian = | worldcat = | nndb = | findagrave= | retrieved= }}

The order of the fields does not matter.

Sarah Palin:

{{ GovLinks 
| nga =             past-governors-bios/page_alaska/col2-content/main-content-list/title_palin_sarah.html
| votesmart =       33437 
| washpo =          Sarah_Palin
| ontheissues =     Sarah_Palin.htm
| followmoney =     17872 
| c-span =          sarahpalin
| rose =            6186
| imdb =            nm3126606 
| nyt =             p/sarah_palin
| wsj =             P/sarah-palin/4347
| guardian =        world/sarahpalin
| worldcat =        lccn-no2007-7261
| nndb =            845/000118491 
| retrieved =       
will return all relevant external links:
  • All parameters are optional, but if you don't include any of them, nothing will show up.
  • Do not use capital letters. They might disrupt the code.
Field Data Result URL source
nga National Governors Association id Biography http://www.nga.org/cms/home/governors/[nga]
votesmart votesmart.org id Biography, interest group ratings, public statements, vetoes and campaign finances http://www.votesmart.org /bio.php?can_id=[votesmart]
washpo Washpo name Biography http://www.whorunsgov.com /Profiles/[washpo]
ontheissues ontheissues path name Issue positions and quotes http://www.ontheissues.org /[ontheissues]
followmoney National Institute on Money in State Politics id Campaign finance reports and data http://www.followthemoney.org /database/uniquecandidate.phtml?uc=[followmoney]
c-span C-SPAN person id Appearances http://www.c-spanvideo.org /[c-span]
rose view id Appearances http://www.charlierose.com /guest/view/[rose]
imdb IMDb index Appearances http://www.imdb.com /name/[imdb]
nyt path name Collected news and commentary http://topics.nytimes.com/ top/reference/timestopics/people/[nyt]
wsj path name Collected news and commentary http://topics.wsj.com/person/[wsj]
guardian path name Collected news and commentary http://www.guardian.co.uk /[guardian]
worldcat id Works by or about http://worldcat.org /identities/[worldcat]
nndb NNDB index Profile http://www.nndb.org /people/[nndb]
findagrave FindAGrave index Burial info. But if still alive, just don't include it http://www.findagrave.com /cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=[findagrave]
retrieved date (yyyy-mm-dd) date these links were last retrieved no url






