

别名 乙二酸镉
CAS号 814-88-0  checkY
化学式 CdC2O4
摩尔质量 200.43 g·mol⁻¹
密度 3.32 g·cm−3(无水)[1]
熔点 340 °C(613 K)(分解,无水)
180 °C(453 K)(分解,二水)[1]
溶解性 0.003 g(18 °C,三水)[1]
若非注明,所有数据均出自标准状态(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。


CdC2O4 + E → CdE + 2 CO2↑ (E=SSeTe


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  3. ^ Fabbri, G.; Baraldi, P. Thermal decomposition of organic acid salts. I. Decomposition of metal oxalates in air. Atti della Societa dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena, 1975. 106: 57-72. ISSN: 0365-7027.
  4. ^ David, Robert. The thermal decomposition of several metallic oxalates. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960. 719-736. ISSN: 0037-8968.
  5. ^ Shu-Hong Yu, Yong-Sheng Wu, Jian Yang, Zhao-Hui Han, Yi Xie, Yi-Tai Qian, Xian-Ming Liu. A Novel Solventothermal Synthetic Route to Nanocrystalline CdE (E = S, Se, Te) and Morphological Control. Chemistry of Materials. 1998-09, 10 (9): 2309–2312 [2021-01-28]. ISSN 0897-4756. doi:10.1021/cm980181s. (原始内容存档于2020-12-10) (英语).